There has been a great deal of self-reflection this month regarding an Instagram post I read that shared this statement: Who can you be your softest self with? My first reaction was “nobody” as I observed a sadness wave throughout my body. I paused as my inner voice spoke “That's sad”.
Later that day, I wrote a post on Instagram for myself to reflect more deeply. I asked, what does my "softest self" feel like? A list of hurtful words rolled wildly through my mind beating my brain like heavy storm waves on a rocky shoreline. Not surprisingly yet alarmingly, the main message was - being weak.
Quicky, I have learned to start asking myself questions to support my subconscious to reveal hidden patterns of thinking.
Who told me that being soft was wrong?
Was bad?
Was too vulnerable?
Was weak?

Being my "softest self" is being gentle, compassionate, and kind to myself and to others. It means being in my feminine energy where I am embracing vulnerability, sensitivity, and empathy rather than presenting a hard unshaped, and guarded exterior.
To be my "softest self" is a multifaceted concept that emerges an environment of emotional safety and support, for myself first and then for the people I desire to have deep and private interactions with.
Am I open to change?
Well, I am open to affirming the change. Are you?
Below are a few affirmations to get us started.
I am open to exposing and expressing emotions, beyond what lies on the surface.
I showcase my softest self when I am safe.
I lean into my feminine energy and its way of manifesting into the world.
I am empowered by my compassion and kindness, and I share these qualities openly with the world.
I embrace my vulnerability as it is authentic.
I embrace my softest self and it connects with the softness in others.
I am embracing softness in its simplest forms.
Through deeper self-reflection, I have undergone a new epiphany. This aha realization has led me to a greater understanding of self-love. I am now embodying a deeper understanding of who I am becoming, with purposeful action to expand my thinking and revolt away from fear to freedom. Being soft doesn't mean being weak; it's an energetic foundation of strength in flexibility. It requires being authentic to my feelings, and understanding who I am becoming rather than being fearful and defensive of the harshness of the world. I will no longer reflect the hardcore world, yet reflect softness, openness, and receptiveness.
Can you embrace vulnerability and self-love on your journey of self-discovery and self-love? Join me on this path of gentle authenticity. Let's embark on a journey of self-discovery where we embrace vulnerability and self-love with confidence.
Grab a journal and list the feelings of your "softest self". Are these feelings keeping you hidden? Do you feel safe sharing your gentle authenticity?